

Warhammer 40K: Our Favourite Astra Militarum Kits & Miniatures

The brand new Astra Militarum army set featuring the incredible new Cadians, ordance teams and armoured sentinel is up for pre-order now. Some of these are brand new units, while others represent an exciting overhaul of various classic kits.

With change in the air for the Astra Militarum range, we thought it would be fun to look at some of the stalwart Astra Militarum kits and units that are still going strong, as well as some of our more recent favourites. Let's dive in!


Leman Russ

The Leman Russ battle tank is the iconic vehicle of the Astra Militarum, and has been for longer than many hobbyists can even remember! It's such a classic and instantly recognisable design that it's barely been changed since its original introduction literally decades ago, and no-one's complaining! The upcoming Rogal Dorn tank may be bigger and more heavily armed, but the Leman Russ has got it where it counts. A true icon of Warhammer 40K!


Ogryns / Bullgryns

In an army made up mostly of very squishy humans, the abhuman ogryns bring the beef and the big guns! They're a great-looking kit that's fun to paint and bring some much needed muscle to the Astra Militarum roster. Their more heavily armoured brethren, bullgryns, are some of the coolest looking miniatures in all Warhammer 40K (in our humble opinion of course!) and really stand out on the battlefield among all the regular sized troops and armoured vehicles.


Gunnery Sergeant Harker

Possibly the only non-augmented human in Warhammer 40K that can lift a heavy bolter with his bare hands, Gunnery Sergeant Harker is an incredible specimen. He also has a fntastic miniature that's something of a precursor to the awesome new Catachan miniatures that Games Workshop has produced more recently, like Sergeant 'Ripper' Jackson and the Catachan Colonel. Harbingers of a future update for the Catachans that's as gorgeous as the new Cadians perhaps? We'll have to wait and see.



The Baneblade super-heavy tank has the honour not only of being the first tank of its kind introduced into Warhammer 40K, but of being the first truly huge plastic kit produced for the game, ushering in an incredible new era of epic tabletop warfare on a massive scale. Without the amazing design and huge success of the Baneblade, we would likely never have seen such classics as the Ork Stompa, the Eldar Wraithknight or Imperial Knights.


Explore the rest of our huge Warhammer 40K range! Order miniatures, terrain and more from Firestorm Games, your friendly, fast and reliable UK retailer.

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