

The Hungriest Units in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Ranked!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets hungry this week, with the new Ogor Mawtribes battletome up for pre-order, along with a brand new hero in the form of the Bloodpelt Hunter. Ogors are renowned for their insatiable appetites and their iron constitutions that allow them to consume material considered wholly inedible to most other races.

That got us thinking – what are the hungriest units in Warhammer Age of Sigmar? And can we rank the top ten? We’re certainly going to try! But first…


Ogor Gorgers

With ogors clearly holding the crown for the hungriest beings in the Mortal Realms it would be unfair to include them in the rankings – they’d occupy every spot on the list! That said, it would be remiss not to give these belly-busting bruisers a tip of the hat before we proceed.

Enter the Ogor Gorgers – our pick for the hungriest unit in an army packed with ravenous brutes. These ogors have been deliberately starved from birth to keep ‘em mean and keen for battle, so not only do they have the monstrous appetite shared by all their kin, but that hunger has never, ever been satisfied. Yikes!

Now let’s see how the rest of the contenders rank up. Let the eating contest begin!


10) Great Unclean One

Nurgle’s Great Unclean Ones aren’t technically hungry in the truest sense, but it would be perverse not to include a daemon with a huge belly that has a mouth(!) in the rankings somewhere. Loses points because it’s more likely to vomit something up than keep it down. Not the biggest eater in the Mortal Realms, but it certainly looks the part.


9) Deadwalker Zombies

We have no confirmation that the deadwalker zombies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar actually eat brains, but we’re going to assume they do until we’re specifically told otherwise – it’s classic zombie stuff. Unfortunately, while they can be dangerous in large numbers, deadwalkers are probably too small and feeble to crack open the biggest skulls in the Mortal Realms (godbeast brains anyone?), which isn’t a problem shared by our next competitor…


8) Bloodthirster

Hungry, thirsty – it’s all the same, right? Like the deadwalkers, we’re not aware of anything in the lore that suggests the Bloodthirster of Khorne actually drinks blood, but we’re not not aware of it either. Which is to say that he might, and who’s going to stop him if he wanted to? And when you’re that big, angry and constantly battling endless blood-filled sacks of meat (humans, aelves, duardin, etc), you’re probably going to have oceans of the stuff available to gulp down. The clue’s in the name guys.


7) Ghorgon

At last we come to a definite, confirmed face-stuffer, in the form of the Beasts of Chaos Ghorgon. It’s even represented in their Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules. Using the Swallow Whole ability, a Ghorgon can remove a nearby miniature from the battlefield with a single roll of the dice and one big gulp – no saves allowed! You’ve got to respect a monster that’s so hungry it’s willing to eat someone – armour and all – without even bothering to chew!


6) Fungoid Cave Shaman

Now we come to an insatiable hunger of a different sort – the hunger for knowledge and ‘spiritual enlightenment’, or what passes for it in grot culture. The Fungoid Cave Shaman gobbles down all manner of dodgy-looking ‘shrooms in order to be blessed by visions of Mork, scrambling their brains in the process. When your belly is so full of hallucinogenic fungus that you can literally talk to god, you’ve definitely gone way too far.


5) Slaangor Fiendbloods

We’re into the top five, and Slaangor Fiendbloods at last give us some real hunger to chew on. These glamorous goats have an intense hatred of civilisation, but are completely obsessed by the beautiful trinkets it produces – it’s an intense internal conflict that plays out in the most bizarre way possible. So when they’ve slaughtered their foes and brought all their fancy jewellery, silverware and assorted knickknacks back to the herdstone, what do they do with it all? They eat it, in a ravenous frenzy of self-loathing. Cool.


4) Crypt Ghouls

Of course the Flesh-Eater Courts were going to rank highly on a list of Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s hungriest units. How could they not? Eating is literally in their name and, like the Ogor Mawtribes, it’s the defining trait of their entire, ahem, ‘culture’. The archetypal Flesh-Eaters are the crypt ghouls and, while they think they’re noble knights ridding the lands of monsters, they’re actually ravenous abominations that slaughter the innocent in droves and devour their organs in depraved feasts. As far as we know, killing and eating is all they do. If they spend their free time scratching romantic poetry into flayed skin with shattered bone fragments, we certainly haven’t heard about it. High marks for commitment there.


3) Skull Cannon of Khorne

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the ultimate in hungry artillery – a living cannon that consumes you, grinds you into fragments, ejects most of you from its rear end and then uses your skull as a projectile to obliterate your screaming comrades. The skull cannon is by far the most ostentatious diner in any realm, and boy is it hungry for those sweet, sweet skulls. Aggressively so. Probably best not to take it to your favourite restaurant, that’s all we’re saying.


2) Aleguzzler Gargant

As the name implies, Aleguzzler Gargants guzzle ale by the vat and have been known to munch on whole cows as a snack. This results in a gut that gives even ogors a run for their money. Relative to their massive size these guys might not be the biggest eaters in the Mortal Realms, but when you can reduce a human settlement to a state of famine in the space of a single meal, that counts for a lot.


1) Glutos Orscollion, Lord of Gluttony

Who would have guessed that the worshippers of Slaanesh would appear twice on this list, let alone take the top spot? Well, we did, because what people occasionally forget is that Slaanesh is the god of all vice and desire, which includes – you guessed it – gluttony! Slaanesh is literally the patron deity of stuffing your face until you’re sick (or worse) and, when it comes to that side of her nature, the uber-gourmand Glutos Orscollion is her undisputed champion – and ours. Truly the hungriest being in all Warhammer Age of Sigmar!


Honourable Mentions:


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