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Getting Started With The Warhammer 40K Lore

Welcome to the wild and wondrous world of Warhammer 40,000! If you're new to the hobby, you're in for a real treat. This is a universe like no other, filled with epic battles, ancient rivalries, and a staggering array of characters and factions. At its core, Warhammer 40,000 (also known as Warhammer 40K) is a game of strategic warfare, but it's also so much more than that. It's a universe brimming with intrigue, drama, and an unparalleled depth of lore.

The Warhammer 40K universe is a dystopian, science-fiction setting set in the 41st millennium. The universe is characterised by a grimdark aesthetic, with a focus on large-scale warfare, futuristic technology, and supernatural powers. In this article, we're going to take a closer look at the background lore of Warhammer 40K, giving you a glimpse into the vast and intricate history of this captivating universe, as well as the many factions that inhabit it.


The History & Timeline of the Warhammer 40K Universe

The history of the Warhammer 40K universe is divided into several eras, each with its own significant events and conflicts.


The Age of Terra

The Warhammer 40K universe began with the Age of Terra, a period of history that saw the rise of humanity on Earth. During this time, humanity was ruled by the Emperor of Mankind, a powerful psychic being who had created the genetically-engineered Space Marines to serve as his personal army. The Emperor's vision was to unite all of humanity under his rule and guide them towards a golden age of prosperity and enlightenment.

However, the Emperor's plans were derailed by a catastrophic civil war known as the Horus Heresy. The Emperor's favourite son, the Warmaster Horus, had been corrupted by the evil Chaos gods and turned against his father, leading a rebellion against the Imperium. The ensuing conflict devastated the galaxy and ultimately culminated in the Emperor's ascension to godhood and the creation of the Imperium of Man.


The Age of the Imperium

Following the Horus Heresy, the Imperium of Man emerged as the dominant force in the galaxy. Led by the Emperor's surviving loyalists, the Imperium waged a series of wars against the remaining Chaos forces and other hostile alien species.

During this time, the Imperium was also beset by internal conflicts and political intrigue. The Adeptus Mechanicus, a powerful faction of technologists and engineers, often clashed with the Ecclesiarchy, the religious organisation that worshipped the Emperor as a deity.


The Age of Apostasy

The Age of Apostasy was a period of turmoil that occurred several millennia after the founding of the Imperium. During this time, a powerful religious figure known as Goge Vandire rose to power and used his influence to control the Imperium.

Vandire's reign was marked by corruption and brutality, and he was eventually overthrown by a coalition of Imperial forces. However, the events of the Age of Apostasy left the Imperium weakened and vulnerable to external threats.


The Age of Redemption

The Age of Redemption saw the Imperium attempt to rebuild and strengthen itself following the events of the Age of Apostasy. During this time, the Imperium launched a series of successful campaigns against Chaos forces and other hostile alien species.

However, the Imperium was also forced to contend with the rise of the T’au Empire, a technologically-advanced alien species that sought to expand its influence throughout the galaxy. The Imperium also faced renewed conflicts with the Adeptus Mechanicus, who sought to assert their independence from Imperial control.


The Age of the Dark Imperium

The most recent era of the Warhammer 40K universe, the Age of the Dark Imperium, began with the destruction of the Emperor's physical body and his subsequent confinement to the Golden Throne, a life-support system that allows him to maintain the Imperium's psychic defences.

In the wake of the Emperor's incapacitation, the Imperium has become increasingly corrupt and stagnant. The forces of Chaos have grown stronger, and the Imperium has been forced to fight a desperate battle to maintain its hold on the galaxy.

The Age of the Dark Imperium has also seen the emergence of several new threats to the Imperium, including the Necrons, an ancient race of robotic beings who seek to reclaim their lost empire, and the Tyranids, a hive-minded alien species that devours everything in its path.

Despite these challenges, the Imperium continues to fight on, sustained by the faith and determination of its people. However, the Imperium's grip on the galaxy is tenuous at best, and many fear that the end of humanity is nigh.

In this era, various factions have emerged and play significant roles in the galaxy's fate. The Space Marines continue to be the Imperium's most elite warriors, fighting in some of the most challenging battles. The Adeptus Mechanicus has become more independent and continues to search for knowledge and technology, even if it means breaking away from the Imperium. The Inquisition is the Imperium's secret police, seeking out and eliminating any threats to the Imperium's stability.

In addition to these established factions, new factions have also emerged. The T’au Empire has expanded its influence and now poses a significant threat to the Imperium's dominance. The Aeldari, an ancient and powerful race, have suffered greatly but continue to exert their influence on the galaxy. The Orks, a brutal and warlike race, continue to wreak havoc wherever they go.

The Warhammer 40K universe is a dark and dangerous place, filled with unspeakable horrors and incredible heroism. It is a place where the fate of the galaxy is constantly in flux, and every decision can have far-reaching consequences. The struggles of the various factions and races in the galaxy are far from over, and the future remains uncertain.


The Factions, Armies & Races of Warhammer 40K


Space Marines

One of the most iconic and important factions in the Warhammer 40K universe is the Space Marines. During the Age of Terra, the Emperor of Mankind genetically-engineered super soldiers to serve as his personal army and fight in his quest to unite humanity.

Recruited from the most capable and skilled human candidates from across the galaxy, the Space Marines undergo a gruelling process known as the "rites of passage." This process includes genetic modification, implantation of various organs, and intense physical and mental training, resulting in a warrior that is stronger, faster, and more resilient than any ordinary human.

Equipped with advanced weapons and armour, each Space Marine possesses a range of unique abilities, such as the ability to enter a state of heightened awareness known as the "battle trance" and the ability to heal rapidly from injuries.

Organised into Chapters, each Space Marine Chapter has its own distinct culture, traditions, and fighting styles. Some of the most famous Space Marine Chapters include the Ultramarines, the Blood Angels, and the Space Wolves.

The Warhammer 40K universe presents many obstacles and dangers for the Space Marines, despite their extraordinary abilities and advanced technology. They are frequently assigned to the most precarious and pivotal missions, where they encounter formidable enemies and face insurmountable odds.


Astra Militarum

The primary military force of the Imperium of Man is the Astra Militarum, also known as the Imperial Guard. Millions of soldiers from various worlds are recruited to fight and die for the Emperor and the Imperium.

To defeat their enemies, the Astra Militarum relies on massed infantry formations, heavy armour, and artillery. Their steadfastness in the face of overwhelming odds, willingness to sacrifice their lives for the Imperium, and grim determination to fight on are well-known.

The Astra Militarum confronts a variety of dangerous and inhospitable environments, from chaotic war zones to barren wastelands. They encounter numerous threats, including alien invasions, Chaos incursions, and rebellions within the Imperium itself.

Despite their heroic efforts and sacrifices, the ruling elite of the Imperium often consider the Astra Militarum as disposable assets. Many commanders treat them as mere cannon fodder, throwing them into battle without any regard for their lives or welfare.


Adeptus Custodes

The Adeptus Custodes, the Emperor's personal bodyguards, are the most elite warriors in the Imperium of Man. They were created by the Emperor during the Great Crusade to protect him and the Imperial Palace on Terra.

Incredibly skilled fighters, the Adeptus Custodes are trained from birth to be the ultimate warriors, equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and equipment in the Imperium. They are capable of taking on entire armies single-handedly.

Renowned for their unswerving devotion to the Emperor, the Adeptus Custodes are determined to safeguard him and the Imperium. They adhere rigidly to their ancient customs and practises, with little regard for the political machinations and power struggles of the rest of the Imperium.

Rarely leaving the Imperial Palace, the Adeptus Custodes seldom participate in battles. They see themselves as the ultimate protectors of the Emperor and his legacy, and their duty is to ensure that his vision for the Imperium is realised, whatever the cost.


Adepta Sororitas

The Adepta Sororitas, alternatively known as the Sisters of Battle, are a military order composed entirely of women that belongs to the Ecclesiarchy, the Imperium of Man's state religion. The order was created during the Age of Apostasy to act as the Ecclesiarchy's militant arm and to protect the faith from all adversaries.

The Adepta Sororitas are highly trained warriors who possess advanced weapons and equipment. They are fanatically devoted to the Emperor and the Ecclesiarchy's faith and will die in combat rather than compromise their beliefs.

The Adepta Sororitas are divided into various Orders Militant, each with its unique fighting style and traditions. They frequently collaborate with the Astra Militarum or other Imperial forces, but they also conduct independent missions and crusades in the name of the Emperor and the faith.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, the Adepta Sororitas confront many dangers and obstacles, including alien invasions, Chaos corruption, and rebellions within the Imperium. They are recognised for their unwavering resistance to heresy and corruption and their readiness to employ force to identify and eliminate any who threaten the faith.

The Sisters of Battle are often underestimated and disregarded by the ruling authorities of the Imperium, who view them as fanatics or religious zealots. Nevertheless, the Adepta Sororitas is a crucial element of the Imperium's military and spiritual fortifications, and their acts of courage and selflessness are celebrated throughout the galaxy.


Aduptus Mechanicus

Also known as the Tech-Priests of Mars, the Adeptus Mechanicus are a faction of the Imperium of Man dedicated to the pursuit of technology and knowledge. They are the primary source of technological innovation and advancement in the Imperium and are responsible for the maintenance and operation of much of its technology and machinery.

Organised into a complex hierarchy of Tech-Priests, each with their own areas of expertise and specialisation, the Adeptus Mechanicus are obsessed with technology and view it as a sacred gift from the Machine God, a deity they worship alongside the Emperor.

With access to some of the most advanced and powerful technology in the Imperium, including powerful weapons, armour, and vehicles, the Adeptus Mechanicus are also adept at creating cybernetic implants and augmentations, which are used to enhance the physical and mental abilities of their soldiers and servants.

Encountering various challenges and dangers in the Warhammer 40K universe, such as Chaos corruption, alien incursions, and renegade machinery, the Adeptus Mechanicus are renowned for their enigmatic demeanour and their propensity to accumulate information and technology, often at the expense of human lives. Nevertheless, the Adeptus Mechanicus is a critical component of the Imperium's technological and military capabilities, and their efforts are instrumental in the Imperium's continued existence.


The Inquisition

The Imperial Inquisition is a secretive and powerful faction within the Imperium of Man, tasked with rooting out heresy, mutation, and corruption wherever they may be found. They are empowered by the Emperor himself to act as judge, jury, and executioner in matters of heresy and corruption, and their authority is absolute.

Divided into three main orders, the Inquisition carries out a variety of tasks within the Imperium of Man. The Ordo Malleus is responsible for combating Chaos and daemon threats, while the Ordo Xenos deals with alien races and their influence. Finally, the Ordo Hereticus is focused on rooting out heresy and corruption within the Imperium itself.

Their reputation for being ruthless and willing to employ any means necessary to achieve their goals means that the Inquisition is feared and reviled throughout the Imperium, with many seeing them as a necessary evil rather than a force for good.

The Inquisition is not immune to power struggles and internal infighting, as different factions within the organisation compete for control and influence. Nevertheless, the Inquisition remains one of the most powerful and influential factions within the Imperium, and their actions can have far-reaching consequences for the fate of the galaxy.


Imperial Knights

Comprised of towering, heavily-armed war machines piloted by the noble and chivalrous knightly orders of the Imperium, the Imperial Knights are among the most skilled and dedicated warriors in the galaxy. They are sworn to defend the Imperium and its people against all threats.

With each knightly order owing allegiance to a particular noble house, the Imperial Knights are organised into a complex feudal hierarchy. The pilots of these massive war machines are typically drawn from the noble classes of Imperial society, and they are trained from a young age in the art of war and combat.

Armed with an array of devastating weaponry, including massive chainswords, powerful cannons, and other specialised weapons, the Imperial Knights are heavily armoured and can withstand even the most intense attacks. This makes them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Renowned for their courage and sense of obligation, the Imperial Knights adhere to a stringent code of honour and chivalry. Despite their might and fierceness, they frequently fight alongside other Imperial armies, yet they also conduct solo missions and undertakings for the Emperor and their respected houses.


Chaos Space Marines

The Chaos Space Marines are a faction in the Warhammer 40K universe composed of former Space Marines who have turned to the worship of the Chaos Gods. They are considered the archenemies of the Imperium and are responsible for much of the destruction and devastation that plagues the galaxy. They may be devoted to one of the four Chaos gods – Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch – or worship them all equally as Chaos Undivided.

Various warbands make up the Chaos Space Marines, each dedicated to a particular Chaos God and their associated traits and powers. These warbands are led by powerful and charismatic leaders known as Chaos Lords, who command their followers in battle and seek to spread the influence of Chaos throughout the galaxy.

Armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including chainswords, bolters, and other specialised equipment, the Chaos Space Marines are heavily armoured and possess powerful abilities granted to them by their Chaos patrons, including the ability to summon daemons and harness the powers of the Warp.

Infamous for their ferocity and brutality in battle, the Chaos Space Marines are willing to commit heinous acts in the name of Chaos. They are a constant threat to the Imperium and its citizens, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their twisted goals.

Although they are widely feared for their ruthless and chaotic nature, the Chaos Space Marines are also known for their internal conflicts and struggles for power. Each warband is dedicated to a particular Chaos God and strives to achieve their own goals and interests. However, despite their discord, they continue to pose a major threat to the survival of the Imperium.


Chaos Daemons

The Chaos Daemons are a faction in the Warhammer 40K universe composed of entities from the Warp, the realm of Chaos. They are malevolent and unpredictable creatures that exist only to spread chaos and destruction throughout the galaxy. Their armies are led by powerful and cunning Greater Daemons, who command their lesser kin in battle and seek to further their patron god's influence in the material plane. Each daemon is devoted solely to one of the four Chaos gods - gods – Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, the Chaos Daemons are revered by their followers as living embodiments of the four Chaos gods. Their appearance is as varied as their abilities, from hulking beasts to ethereal horrors and everything in between.

The Chaos Daemons' influence extends beyond the material world, as they are also capable of corrupting the minds and souls of mortals. Those who fall under their sway may become willing servants or unwitting pawns in their schemes.

Despite their formidable power, the Chaos Daemons are not invincible. They can be banished back to the Warp through the use of powerful spells or psychic abilities, and some weapons are specifically designed to harm them. Nonetheless, they remain a formidable force that must be reckoned with in the grim darkness of the far future.


Chaos Knights

As former Imperial Knights, the hulking Chaos Knights possess the same level of skill and dedication to their craft as their loyalist counterparts. However, their devotion to Chaos has twisted their values and sense of honour, making them ruthless and unpredictable warriors on the battlefield.

The Chaos Knights frequently work alongside other Chaos forces, including the Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons, to further their shared goals of spreading chaos and destruction. However, they are also known to pursue their own objectives, even if it means turning on their allies.

The Chaos Knights are armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including chainblades, thermal cannons, and other specialised equipment. They are heavily armoured and possess powerful abilities granted to them by their Chaos patrons.



A highly advanced and ancient alien race, the Aeldari, previously known as the Eldar, are a faction in the Warhammer 40K universe. Their civilisation fell into decline after their arrogance and excesses led to the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh, despite once being the dominant power in the galaxy.

Belonging to one of four distinct groups, the Aeldari are a highly specialised race. These groups are the Craftworlders, Drukhari, Harlequins, and Exodites, each with their unique culture, history, abilities, and motivations.

Residing on vast, self-contained starships known as craftworlds, the Craftworld Aeldari are a group who fled their home planet before the birth of Slaanesh. They possess a powerful connection to the psychic realm known as the Warp, are deeply spiritual, and skilled in the arts of war. They also possess advanced technology, including powerful grav-tanks and psychic weaponry.

Each craftworld has its own unique culture and beliefs. Powerful individuals known as Farseers, who possess great psychic power and the ability to see into the future, often lead them. They also have a tradition of using Aspect Warriors, specialised warriors trained in specific forms of combat, such as the Howling Banshees or the Dark Reapers.

Often at odds with other factions in the galaxy, particularly the forces of Chaos and the Imperium, the Craftworld Aeldari have formed alliances with other factions, including the Imperium when their survival is threatened. Regardless, they remain a proud and independent race, determined to protect their craftworlds and their way of life.



The Drukhari, also known as the Dark Eldar, are a faction of the Aeldari race in the Warhammer 40K universe. They are a sadistic and depraved race that reside in the dark city of Commorragh, hidden within the Webway.

Notorious for their cruelty and love for torture, the Drukhari indulge in these activities to satiate their twisted desires and prolong their own lives. They possess advanced technology, including powerful weapons and raiding vehicles and are skilled in the arts of war.

The Drukhari are a faction that is divided into various subgroups, each with their own unique culture and beliefs. They are governed by powerful individuals known as Archons, who hold dominion over their own territories within Commorragh. Additionally, the Drukhari utilise specialised close combat warriors called Wyches, as well as potent psychic sorcerers known as Haemonculi.

These fearsome space pirates and raiders are in conflict with many other factions in the galaxy, particularly the forces of the Imperium and Craftworld Aeldari. They frequently conduct raids and assaults on other planets, seeking to acquire captives and resources. These prisoners are subjected to brutal experiments and torture. Despite their abhorrent behaviour, they remain a formidable force in the galaxy, highly regarded and feared for their lethal fighting abilities.



The Tyranids are a faction in the Warhammer 40K universe consisting of a vast alien race of creatures that have evolved to consume all organic matter in their path. They travel through the galaxy in massive Hive Fleets, searching for new worlds to consume.

The Hive Fleet of Tyranids has a diverse range of bioforms, each of which serves a unique purpose. From the Termagants, which are small and swarm in numbers, to the Hierophant Bio-Titan, which is a massive behemoth, the Tyranids display a wide range of sizes and abilities within their army.

With their advanced bioengineering capabilities, the Tyranids are capable of evolving and adapting quickly to counter new threats. They also have a powerful psychic connection that allows them to communicate and coordinate their attacks across vast distances.

Due to their ability to potentially wipe out all life in the universe, the Tyranids are feared by all factions in the galaxy. They are frequently portrayed as an insurmountable force that engulfs everything in their way and leaves desolate, lifeless worlds in their wake. Despite the Imperium's many efforts to combat the Tyranids, their insatiable appetite and adaptable nature have consistently presented a significant challenge.


Genestealer Cults

The Genestealer Cults in the Warhammer 40K universe are made up of humans who have been infected by the alien Genestealers. They are a secretive and insidious force that work from the shadows to further the goals of the Tyranid Hive Fleets.

Powerful Patriarchs lead the Genestealer Cults, possessing the ability to infect others with Genestealer DNA and create new cults. Their objective is to infiltrate and subvert existing human societies, frequently disguising themselves as legitimate religions or social movements.

Featuring a variety of specialised troops, the Genestealer Cults utilise advanced weaponry, technology, and psykers known as Magi. Among their arsenal is the Leman Russ battle tank, which has been repurposed to fit their objectives.

The Genestealer Cults are typically portrayed as a devious and subversive force, attacking from the shadows and taking their foes by surprise. They excel at destabilising the Imperium, as their stealthy tactics enable them to sow confusion and dissent within human society. Nonetheless, they remain subservient to the Tyranids, and their primary aim is to prepare the way for the arrival of the Hive Fleets.



The Necrons are a faction of ancient robotic beings in the Warhammer 40K universe that have reawakened after a prolonged dormancy. They are an enigmatic force that seeks to reclaim their former empire and restore their race to its former glory.

At the forefront of the Necrons are their powerful overlords, whose advanced technology and weaponry are unmatched by any other faction in the galaxy. Working alongside them are the Crypteks, powerful psykers who possess the incredible ability to manipulate reality at its core.

Each dynasty of the Necrons possesses unique characteristics and goals, dividing the faction into distinct groups. While some seek to reclaim their former worlds and vanquish their enemies, others aim to forge alliances with other factions or even rebel against the will of the Silent King.

Because of their unparallelled resilience and cutting-edge armaments, the Necrons are often depicted as an invincible force that is difficult to defeat. Additionally, they have the capability to revive deceased soldiers, causing them to be a constant hazard in warfare. In general, the Necrons are a cryptic and potent presence in the Warhammer 40K universe, with their ultimate objectives and rationale remaining mostly unexplained.



In the Warhammer 40K universe, the Orks are a faction characterised by their ferocious and belligerent nature, as well as their distinctive green skin. They embrace the mayhem of combat and relish in the opportunity to exert their dominance through sheer physical prowess, making them a formidable and aggressive force.

The Orks are divided into various clans, each with their own unique characteristics and beliefs. They are led by powerful Warbosses, who command vast armies of Ork warriors and possess incredible strength and resilience.

Renowned for their penchant for violence and destruction, the Orks possess a unique talent for crafting potent weaponry and vehicles out of salvaged scrap metal and other materials. They are also capable of psychic abilities, although they are not as powerful as those possessed by other factions.

Orks may appear primitive, but they possess considerable intelligence and shrewdness, using sophisticated tactics to outsmart their opponents in battle. In essence, the Orks are a disordered and erratic presence in the Warhammer 40K universe, able to unleash mayhem upon even the most meticulously planned armies. Their actions are a persistent menace to the Imperium and other factions, and they will go to great lengths to fulfil their aims of domination and annihilation.


T’au Empire

The T'au Empire is a young and rapidly expanding alien civilisation in Warhammer 40K. They are known for their advanced technology and ideology of "The Greater Good", which seeks to unite all species under their rule and bring about a peaceful and prosperous galaxy.

Under the guidance of a council comprised of Ethereals, who are revered as living deities by the T'au, this faction operates with remarkable military precision. They harness sophisticated weapons technology and rely on powerful battle suits, augmented by the support of various alien auxiliaries. The Ethereals' formidable psychic abilities further bolster their capabilities on the battlefield.

The T'au Empire places a strong emphasis on diplomacy and negotiation, and seeks to bring other species under their rule through peaceful means whenever possible. However, they are not above using force to achieve their goals, and their armies are formidable opponents in battle.

Despite presenting itself as a benevolent entity, the T'au Empire has relied on the use of propaganda and manipulation to uphold its supremacy over its subjects. As a result, some have criticised its methods as authoritarian. Nevertheless, the T'au Empire is a formidable and ever-expanding power in the Warhammer 40K universe, driven by its fervent desire to disseminate its ideology and unite the galaxy under its leadership.


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