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A Feast of Delusions: 5 Coolest Facts About the Flesh-Eater Courts

In the darkest pits and bleakest wastes of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, the Flesh-Eater Courts carve out their macabre kingdoms. Led by delusional and monstrous leaders, these cannibalistic beings believe themselves to be noble knights and courtly aristocrats, engaging in gruesome feasts to sate their insatiable hunger. And with the fully reimagined range of Flesh-Eater Courts miniatures going up for pre-order this Saturday, now seems like the perfect time to get remind ourselves exactly what makes these cavorting cannibals such a dark delight. In this article, we delve into the eerie and captivating lore of the Flesh-Eater Courts, uncovering five of the coolest facts about these enigmatic creatures.

AoS FECLore Nov28 Ushoran2


Delusional Nobility

At first glance, the Flesh-Eater Courts may appear to be a horde of nightmarish ghouls, but beneath the monstrous facade lies a twisted sense of nobility. These macabre entities believe themselves to be the last remnants of a once-great civilization, their leaders convinced they are knights and rulers of a glorious court. The madness runs deep, stemming from Ushoran himself, and these delusions fuel their ferocity on the battlefield. The ghouls march to war, led by ghastly Abhorrant Cardinals and Royal Decapitators, who genuinely see themselves as benevolent rulers and champions of justice.


Courtly Abominations

The courts of the Flesh-Eater Courts are anything but traditional. Instead of opulent palaces and refined courts, their realms are grotesque feasting grounds adorned with grisly trophies. Ghouls are twisted into horrific forms, with monstrous Abhorrant Ghoul Kings at the helm. These rulers believe they are regal figures, adorned in tattered finery and wielding weapons that were once symbols of honor and chivalry. Similarly, the gore-soaked character Grand Justice Gormayne believes himself to be a paragon of justice bedecked in the regalia of a legal official. The stark contrast between their delusions of grandeur and their gruesome reality creates a uniquely unsettling atmosphere within the faction.


Endless Hunger and the Feast Day

The Flesh-Eater Courts are driven by an insatiable hunger that can never be satisfied. This constant craving for flesh, both living and dead, is deeply ingrained in their nature, epitomised by the slavering hordes of the Cryptguard. To appease their voracious appetites, the courts engage in gruesome feasts known as the "Feast Day." During these unholy gatherings, ghouls and their leaders revel in the consumption of the fallen, further cementing their belief in the nobility of their actions. The Feast Day is a chilling ritual that reinforces the dark and twisted nature of the Flesh-Eater Courts.


Ghoul Kings and Their Royal Families

At the heart of each Flesh-Eater Court is a Ghoul King, the ruling monstrosity driven by delusions of grandeur. These kings are surrounded by "royal families" of lesser ghouls and courtiers such as the Varghulf Courtier, each member adopting a specific role within the court's hierarchy. The Abhorrant Archregent, for example, is a powerful leader responsible for commanding armies and ensuring the survival of the court. The Ghoul Kings' perceived regal lineage adds layers of complexity to their psychopathic nature, making them intriguing and formidable adversaries.


Ushoran, the Summerking

Ushoran, an original vampiric Mortarch, is the ultimate leader of the Flesh-Eater Courts, and his tainted blood is the source of all their delusions. Ushoran was summoned alongside Neferata and Mannfred to spread the Soulblight curse and aid Nagash in conquering Shyish. Despite his strained relations with fellow Mortarchs due to his pretensions to nobility and unconventional ways, Ushoran's unorthodox strategizing proves valuable in a realm where predictability is common among the undead. Neferata, recognizing Ushoran's lethality, acknowledges the difficulty of getting rid of him and instead seeks to manipulate him to serve her own interests. Agents of Neferata infiltrate Ushoran's realm, New Summercourt, playing along with his chivalric delusions while secretly advancing the plans of their mistress and Nagash.


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar's Flesh-Eater Courts present a captivating blend of horror, madness, and grim fantasy. As they march to war, fueled by their delusions of nobility and insatiable hunger, these macabre entities stand out as a testament to the dark and twisted nature of the Mortal Realms. The five facts explored in this article provide a glimpse into the eerie lore that makes the Flesh-Eater Courts one of the most intriguing factions in the Warhammer universe, showcasing the depths of their deranged beliefs and the horrors they unleash upon the realms.

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