Bushido - Byiba
Bushido - Master Charlyn
Bushido - Village Militia
Bushido - Kaiyo and Mangetsu
Bushido - Inari's Judgement
Bushido - The Temple of Ro-Kan - Senshi
Bushido - The Temple of Ro-Kan - Hofuku
Bushido - Grand Master Ekusa
Bushido - Mina
Bushido - Botan
Bushido - Taiki & Niseru
Bushido - Temple of Ro-Kan Special Card Deck
Bushido - Risen Sun Bundle, Temple of Ro-Kan
Bushido - Temple of Ro-Kan Risen Sun Deck
Bushido - Temple of Ro-Kan Starter Set
Bushido - Master Koju
Bushido - Hisoka
Bushido - Kosuke
Bushido - Ume
Bushido - Kami of Water & Air (Alt)
Bushido - Kuma
Bushido - Kira
Bushido - Yuuki
Bushido - Master Enos
Bushido - Oki Shisa
Bushido - Temple of Rohkan Card Pack 2
Bushido - Kyuubi
Bushido - Kaito
Bushido - Master Akari
Bushido - Ashinaga Tenaga
Bushido - Seiji, Young Monk
Bushido - The Grey Pilgrim
Bushido - Isamu
Bushido - Hisao
Bushido - Tsutsumi
Bushido - Temple of Rohkan Card Pack 1
Bushido - Sojobo (Tengu)
Bushido - Suchiro
Bushido - Fisherman of Ro-Kan
Bushido - Minor kami of Earth & Air
Bushido - Kawa no Rojin (Buffalo)
Bushido - Kintaru
Bushido - Lesser Kami of the Evening Flame
Bushido - Master Po
Bushido - Hotaru - The Fire Fly
Bushido - Koji
Bushido - Riku
Bushido - Aiko & Gorilla
Bushido - Kitsune