Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Core Expansion
Riot Quest - Specialist Lynda The Forgotten
Warcaster - Empyrean - Oculus
Formula P3 - Menoth White Highlight
Mercenary - Colossal, Ghordson Earthbreaker
Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Auxiliary Expansion
Riot Quest - Fighter Kogan The Exile
Formula P3 - Cryx Bane Base
Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Battlegroup Box
Monsterpocalypse - Guard Monster Sky Sentinel
Monsterpocalypse - Planet Eater Monster Xaxor
Riot Quest - Scout Major Aline Bennet
Formula P3 - Bastion Grey
Warmachine: Khymaera Shard Incarnates Cadre
Formula P3 - Cryx Bane Highlight
Warmachine: Orgoth Sea Raiders Core Expansion
Riot Quest - Guard Bumbles
Warcaster - Empyrean, Light Vehicle Zenith
Formula P3 - Trollblood Highlight
Warmachine: Orgoth Sea Raiders Auxiliary Expansion