SAGA - Saxon Warlord B
Arthur Pendragon, Dux Britanniarum
SAGA - Ordenstaat Warlord Heavy Weapon
SAGA - The Grey Wizard and the Armoured Burglar
SAGA - Princess, Advisor and Useless Guards
SAGA - Undead Legion Warriors (Bows)
Swordpoint Genghis Khan (Supplement)
SAGA - Hun Tribal Levy Mounted
SAGA - Goth Warlord on Cataphract Horse
SAGA - Goth Heathguard on Cataphract Horses
SAGA - Age of Hannibal Greek Dice
SAGA - Republican Roman Consul/Tribune Mounted
SAGA - Republican Roman Triari (Hearthguard)
SAGA - Republican Roman Hastati (Warriors)
SAGA - Republican Roman Mounted Warriors
SAGA - Republican Roman Velites (Levy)
SAGA - Carthaginian Hearthguards on Foot
SAGA - Carthaginian Citizen Warriors
SAGA - Cathaginian Contingent Warriors on Foot
SAGA - Carthaginian Contingent Warriors Mounted