T'au Empire: Krootox Rampagers
Stormcast Eternals: Stormreach Portal
Citadel Air: Zandri Dust
Warcry - Monsters & Mercenaries
Sons of Behemat Warscroll Cards (2nd Edition)
Blood Bowl - The Skavenblight Scramblers - Skaven Blood Bowl Team
Battlezone: Fronteris - Vox-Antenna / Auspex Shrine
Leagues of Votann: Brokhyr Thunderkyn
Gaunt's Ghosts: The Victory (Part 2)
Cities of Sigmar: Zenestra, Matriarch of The Great Wheel
Stormcast Eternals: Ionus Cryptborn
Tomb Kings Of Khemri: Chariots
T'au Empire: Krootox Rider
Stormcast Eternals: Iridan The Witness
Citadel Air: Mournfang Brown
Magister on Disc of Tzeentch
Blood Bowl - The Dwarf Giants - Dwarf Blood Bowl Team
Battlezone: Fronteris - Landing Pad
Blood Bowl - Norse Pitch & Dugouts
Leagues of Votann: Hekaton Land Fortress