Tyranids: Trygon / Mawloc
Legiones Astartes - Praetor & Chaplain Consul
Blood Bowl - Amazon Team Card Pack
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Gondor Mansion
Adeptus Titanicus: Open Engine War Card Pack
Dwarfen Mountain Holds: Flame Cannon
Warped Galaxies: Attack of the Necron (Audiobook)
Citadel Base: Gal Vorbak Red
Blood Bowl - Bases
Datacards: White Scars (8th Edition)
Horus Heresy - Space Wolves - Geigor Fell-Hand
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Gondor Tower
Adeptus Titanicus: Knight Stratagem Cards
Dwarfen Mountain Holds: Dwarf Bolt Thrower
Citadel Base: Night Lords Blue
Tyranids: Termagant Brood (old)
Legiones Astartes - MKVI Tactical Squad
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Gondor Ruins
Adeptus Titanicus: Traitor Legio Stratagem Cards
Kasrkin (Paperback)