Space Marines: Primaris Librarian
Warscrolls: Bonesplitterz (1st Edition)
Death Guard: Foetid Bloat Drone
Horus Heresy Book 14: The First Heretic (Paperback)
Drukhari: Archon
Death Guard: Nauseous Rotbone
Drukhari: Succubus
Death Guard: Scribbus Wretch, the Tallyman
Necromunda: Orlock Gang
Cities of Sigmar: Collegiate Arcane Mystic Battle Wizards
Death Guard: Myphitic Blight-hauler
Datacards: Grey Knights (8th Edition)
Stormcast Eternals: Gavriel Sureheart
Space Marines: Primaris Hellblasters
The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz
Space Marines: Primaris Intercessors
Skaven: Plague Monks
Grey Knights: Grand Master Voldus
Skaven: Stormfiends