

Magic: The Gathering's next big story arc has been named

Now that core sets aren't a thing, every major Magic: The Gathering set has its own ongoing story. These stories usher in new planes and characters, and they're a big deal in Magic's vast multiverse.

Now, not every MTG is part of the grand multiverse tale. Some sets, like Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vow, are just pure fun thematic playgrounds. But others, man, they're all about that deep tapestry stuff, building and shaking up the whole MTG universe with epic story arcs.

If you somehow missed it, MTG just wrapped up the massive Phyrexian Arc. This thing was brewing for three whole years, and it was nuts! We're talking character deaths, planes being brought back to life, Planeswalkers getting desparked, and Omenpaths summoning creatures from who-knows-where. It was a wild ride!

And guess what? The Phyrexian Arc changed the MTG universe forever! In fact, it had such a huge impact that it's already kickstarted another arc. But don't worry, not all arcs are about evil villains threatening the whole multiverse.

The Omenpath Arc is here! Yeah, the changes to MTG's iconic Planeswalkers are a big deal, but there's more to it. The characters are still alive and kicking, and now they can hop around to different planes thanks to the new Omenpaths. These babies are like portals to other realms – you just have to be brave (or maybe stupid) enough to step through, without any clue what's on the other side. And there's no guarantee you'll make it back!

These Omenpaths are a game-changer. With characters and creatures jumping from plane to plane, the new story arc is rightfully called "The Omenpath Arc." MTG's Lead Designer, Mark Rosewater, spilled the beans about it during MagicCon: Barcelona. This epic arc will cover the next three years of MTG sets, and the first year will be all about the Omenpaths. Then, the story arc will shift gears with a new name and focus.

Why did they reveal the name of this arc so soon? Because of this Kellan character, that's why! Check out their art above – they're going to play a major role in this story. Keep an eye on them in Wilds of Eldraine! This is going to be one heck of a journey through the MTG multiverse!

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