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Community Content Roundup: Lore, Lizards & Lasguns!

Greetings tabletop gamers! It's time for our latest bi-monthly community content roundup, this time featuring lore, lizards and lasguns as well as the usual painting tutorials, battle reports and more from some of the finest content creators on the interwebs, each and every one of them members of the Firestorm Games Affiliate Program. Let's dive right in and see what they've got for us, but mind those fingers - these contents are HOT!

Tale of Painters

We begin with the new hotness for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and a detailed review of the new Seraphon army box from Tale of Painters. This may be your first chance to get a close look at the sprues and learn more about all the possible assembly options, so it's pretty exciting stuff if you're a lizard fan!  Click here to read the review.


Sticking with the Seraphon hype train, Warhipster has a truly jaw-dropping guide to painting the new Slann Starmaster (and the rest - take a look around his channel). Looking at the finished product you wouldn't believe that this is achieved using mostly Contrast paints, but you will! Oh yes, you will...

Arbitor Ian

In another high quality video, Arbitor Ian takes a rare detour into the painting side of the Warhammer hobby with a pretty unique take on how to batch paint lots of models without getting bored. It's inspiring stuff!

Say Hi Paul

Paul brings us the first of three Age of Sigmar battle reports in this roundup with Stormcast Eternals vs Sons of Behemat. It's a great game with beautifully painted minis on a gloriously immersive tabletop - what's not to like?

Mordian Glory

If you're a fan of mechanised Astra Militarum in Warhammer 40K then you've got a lot to look forward to in the upcoming 10th edition, and Mordian Glory spells out exactly why in this fantastically detailed video based on all the new rules that have been revealed so far.


It's a truth universally acknowledged that every hobbyist at some point in their life will paint at least one Ultramarine. Since you're going to be doing it anyway, why not follow TableTopReady's tutorial, which shows you how to get a really great result with a minimum of fuss.

Cadian Shock

Custodes vs Cadians is the focus of Cadian Shock's latest battle report. As ever it's the wealth of amazing photographs that really make these battle reports stand out - it's a real feast for the eyes and well worth your time. Click here to check out the battle report.

ESO Tabletop - Painting With Danny

Danny may actually be insane - in the best possible way! In this video he attempts to speed run the process of getting better at painting faces... by painting 100 faces back to back. If that doesn't grab your attention then we don't know what will! Go watch it!

Wrath of Minis

Let's give a big welcome to one of our newest affiliates! In his latest video, Kaan from Wrath of Minis presents one of the best-looking deep dives into achieving rust and weathering effects we've ever seen, with a particular focus on terrain. You could use these techniques on any number of other things too - vehicles, mechs, etc. Great stuff.

Atomic Ninja G

Atomic Ninja G is another of our newest affiliates that we're delighted to welcome into the community, especially as he's focused on one of our favourite games - Pokemon TCG! This Scarlet and Violet pack opening vid is a bite-sized delight!


And another new affiliate - let's welcome Oldemodave! Dave's bringing some much-needed MtG buzz to our affiliate community with news, opinions and, in this case live coverage of some Paper Pioneer gameplay. It's a must-watch for Magic fans!


Are tabletop wargaming conventions good for you? That's the question thoughtfully (and entertainingly) posed in this video by Elstonation. The answer of course is yes. But also no. Just watch it, you'll understand!

Worgore TV

We told you there'd be more Age of Sigmar battle reports! Worgore TV bring us Idoneth Deepkin vs Kharadron Overlords in their own uniquely entertaining style. It's a great watch.

Crooked Staff Terrain

We never cease to be amazed by what Crooked Staff Terrain can do with paper and cardboard, and this video is no exception. Whether you're building a TTRPG dungeon or a wargaming table, you could do a lot worse than incorporating this technique for building a great-looking modular bridge.

Age of Miniatures

Age of Miniatures' Necromunda gang overview isn't just good content, it's also incredibly useful. This is a fantastic starting point for anyone curious about Necromunda but unsure where to start. It's also useful if you're struggling to pick a gang from the many awesome options available - Peter's here to help! Click here to check out the article.

Hammer of War

And now for that third Age of Sigmar battle report we promised! It's Ossiarch Bonereapers vs Hedonites of Slaanesh. Hammer of War's top-down presentation style and time-lapsed footage means that you always have a clear sense of what's happening and don't have the chance to get bored. We love it!

Modelling for Advantage

In this short-but-sweet interview from Salute 50, Kaiser of Modelling for Advantage catches up with Ronnie Renton of Mantic Games to talk about what's new and upcoming from Mantic, in particular their new Ambush releases for Kings of War.

The Remembrancer

The Remembrances is back, tackling the lore behind one of Warhammer 40K's big-hitter in his inimitable style with this detailed look at Azrael, supreme grand master of the Dark Angels. Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Hobby Jackal

Last but certainly not least, we have Hobby Jackal delving into why he thinks Warhammer: The Old World is coming this year. We've got no inside-track on this by the way, but Hobby Jackal does make a petty compelling case - we hope he's right!


We'll be back again soon with more Flamin' Hot Content! In the meantime, if you'd like your website, channel or podcast to be featured, head over to the Firestorm Games Affiliate Program page and sign up.

Until next time - stay toasty!

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