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Warcaster - Marcher Worlds - Solo Hunter

Our Price: £12.71

(RRP: £14.95)


Drawn from amongst the greatest marksmen of the Marcher Worlds, the Hunters are the scout-snipers of the Ranger forces. With deadly and withering accuracy, they take apart any enemy unfortunate enough to enter their sights. Each round fired from a Hunter's high-powered sniper rifle can be further supercharged with Arc, enabling it to tear through the most heavily armored of targets. Furthermore, the Hunters are trained to move with every shot, making them all but impossible to pin down. Their mimetic cloaks serve to further obfuscate the snipers by generating active camouflage that can render them all but invisible in plain sight.

☆ The Hunter can move up to 3" after making a ranged attack.
☆ The Hunter's Mimetic Cloaks give it Stealth while charged.
☆ The Hunter's high RAT can increase the damage inflicted by its attacks.
☆ Additionally, when the Hunter hits a target with its Sniper Rifle, it can spike to reduce its target's ARM by 1 when resolving the attack.

• one (1) Hunter model

All models and terrain pieces are supplied unassembled and unpainted, and without basing material.

Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika is a high-speed hobby miniatures game for two players who each take on the role of a powerful Warcaster in command of a formidable battle force!

Players assemble and customize a force of 20-30 models and fight a scenario-driven battle using dice and cards to control their mighty units and to cast epic cyphers. The game is played using an alternating-activation turn sequence with a round tracker that governs scoring opportunities and the duration of ongoing effects. Players take turns activating units one at a time and using their rack of cyphers, reality-warping spells that can be used to enhance their troops and warjacks or to devastate their opponent’s forces.

While Warcasters are not physically present on the battlefield, their presence is always felt. A Warcaster coordinates and supports their forces from a sophisticated command and control center called a rack, located aboard a massive battle carrier that transports the Warcaster's troops and warjacks. In the game, the rack is represented by a deck of cards — the spell-like Cyphers — that players customize prior to the game based on the powers and abilities they wish to wield as a Warcaster!


WORTH £0.13


  • Brand: Privateer Press
  • Product Code: PIP82004
  • Availability: • 1 IN STOCK FOR 24HR DISPATCH* if order placed before 3PM Mon-Fri
    • For more information please click here
  • Price in reward points: 1271
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